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Amor Añejo. My first Day of the Dead play!

Hey everyone! It has been a while since I updated this whole website and so much has happened. I traveled from Atlanta to LA to New Mexico to San Francisco to New York to Pittsburgh and bags were always packed. I saw some terrific plays and auditioned for some and worked on some of my own! Things are in development and as usual with me, lots of things are going on.

This past August through October I wrote and directed a bi-lingual play for Milagro Theatre for their annual el Diás de Los Muertos show called Amor Añejo. It was set in Mexico City and ranged through the years from 1934 to 2019 . The story was sweet....about a long term, loving relationship ( in this case 84 years) and one of them dies and the one left behind cannot let go. It was a lot of research, songs, dances, magic not to mention a fun gender bending Aztec god based after Huéhuécoyotl who guided through flashbacks into their life together...they were played by four actors and we called them Bombón...because they are so sweet ( Yesenia Lopez as one of the Bombóns below) I had a fantastic design team and wonderful actors to play with. It was a hard to write a cohesive two act play in that short of time but the actors contributed so much and I was lucky to have Olga Sanchez Saltveit as my dramaturg and hand holding friend!

The reviews were lovely and all in all it turned out amazingly well!

I am also launching my online Shakespeare course and coaching this week at last! You can check out the video and help spread the word...I can teach in 12 sessions actors how to play Shakespeare and we will work an audition speech for them in the last two sessions so they are ready to get on with the bard business!

I am also writing a project that I developed in my Asylum lab, currently titled The Sphere of Human Folly and there are plans afoot to present a workshop of it in the Portland area early next year.

Later in the spring I will travel to New Mexico to act with my friends at Fusion Theatre in a new devised work shop performance by Laurie Thomas called Othello All Grown Up. Four women take on Shakespeare's provocative tragedy and examine it from a female cool is that? Looking forward to the Land of Enchantment again. Check it out:

So that is my news and I wish you all a happy Holiday Season!

I will update again in the New Year!


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